Guess who took time out of his busy Christmas Season to stop by the 2nd Annual Holiday Party for Town of Verona residents? Yep, it's Santa Claus himself! Every kid got a gift from Santa! | Matt Episcopo captivates the audience with his magic act during the 2nd Annual Holiday Party for Town of Verona residents hosted by Councilman, Fritz Scherz on December 11, 2011. | New York State Supreme Court nominee (and Verona resident!), Patrick MacRae reads a Christmas story during the 2nd Annual Holiday Party hosted by Councilman, Fritz Scherz. |
Oneida County Executive, Tony Picente reads a Christmas story to the kids at the 2nd Annual Holiday Party in Verona, NY. | Oneida County Sheriff, Rob Maciol reads a Christmas story to the kids during the 2nd Annual Holiday Party in Verona, NY on December 11, 2011. | Fritz gives his opening remarks as Kyle and Dave Ossont get ready to perform at the 2nd Annual Holiday Party for Town of Verona residents. |
Fritz is pictured with Bob Zeller, Veteran from the United States Army on November 11th during the Thank You Dinner for Town of Verona Veterans, held at the Verona VFW Post 6811. | Fritz is pictured here with Louis Trunko, WWII Veteran from the United States Air Force on November 11, 2011 in Verona, NY. | Town of Verona Veterans and their families line up at the buffet line during the Thank You Dinner for Veterans that Fritz hosted on November 11th. |
Fritz delivers opening remarks at the Thank You Dinner for Town of Verona Veterans that he hosted on November 11, 2011 in Verona, NY. | Fritz is pictured here with (L to R) Owen Waller (Town of Verona Supervisor, Linda Finnerty (Verona Food Pantry Director) and Sue Squadrito on November 8th at the Verona Food Pantry (VFP), as Fritz helped the VFP get a grant. | Fritz is pictured here with Colleen Bennett, founder of the KEYS Program, during the VVS Community Day on October 2, 2011. |
Fritz is pictured here at the 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony in Sherrill, NY on September 11, 2011. | Fritz congratulates Jacob Foppes (who renovated the parking area off Route 46 in Verona for his Eagle Scout Project) on a job well done during the grand re-opening of the parking area on June 4, 2011. | Fritz is pictured here with his good friend, Paul Walrath (WWII Veteran) after the Verona Memorial Day Ceremony on May 30, 2011. |
Fritz is shown here walking in the Verona Memorial Day Parade on May 30, 2011. | On May 25, 2011, Fritz Scherz presents Stephanie Thompson with the grand prize for the Fred Scherz Sr. Memorial Scholarship for Volunteer Community Service Award. Also pictured are committee members (L - R) Rick Walker, Connie Collins, and Barb Geissler. Missing from the photo is committee member, Elizabeth Peavey. | Fritz Scherz presents Carrie Lohr with the runner up prize for the Fred Scherz Sr. Memorial Scholarship for Volunteer Community Service Award on May 25, 2011. |
Fritz is pictured here on May 11, 2011 after graduating from Leadership Mohawk Valley. | Fritz is pictured here with (L-R) Darrel Aubertine (Commissioner of NYS Dept. of Ag & Markets), Keith Schiebel (VVS FFA Advisor), and Sam Getman (from NYS Senator Griffo's office), shortly after Keith received a national award and various NYS Proclamations on March 27, 2011 in a ceremony at VVS High School in Verona, NY. | Fritz is pictured here with VVS FFA students and Darrel Aubertine, Commissioner of NYS Dept. of Ag & Markets, on March 27, 2011 shortly after VVS FFA Advisor, Keith Schiebel received a national award. |
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Fritz is pictured here with members of the VVS FFA and VVS Staff on January 29, 2011 in Syracuse, NY. Fritz took part in the VVS FFA presentation that morning in their quest to hold the 2012 New York State FFA Convention at VVS. Good news....VVS was selected! | Fritz is pictured here at the Verona Fire Department Installation Banquet on January 15, 2011 with his good friend of many years, David Belvick. David received his 25 years of service pin that evening. | Fritz is pictured here at the VVS FFA Maple Conference in Verona, NY on January 8, 2011. | | |